Sunday, May 17, 2009

My bad weekend that turned into a good weekend/week

So it started out on friday. On friday we had our co-op closing program and me and Elizabeth were dancing in it (i'll write about the closing program in another post). so originally i was going to go to the I.N.C.H convention where both my parents were speaking at, but then my friend Mickie invited me and lizzy to spend the night at her house, so we could go to the closing program instead of going to the convention (i really wanted to go to the convention and the closing program, but i could not do both!). So we decided to go and spend the night at Mickie's. So after co-op on friday (mickie also goes to the co-op) we went to Mickie's house to take our clothes there and do the power point for the cloing program. So after the program was over, my little sister Elaina (was was spending the night at another friends house) decided that she did not want to leave my side. So we ended up going to the house that Elaina was going to spend the night at, and me and lizzy stayed the night there instead of mickies. And we did not have any of our clothes, because we had left them at mickie's. So we were really bored at Elaians friends house. and had noting to do until my sister came to pick us up at 5 pm!!! yea, i was pretty mad....literally.

now for the good part....

So for restitution (because we had to sit at Elaina's friends house the whole day, and because we were not able to go to our friends house for the sleep over) my mom said that she owed us. so we were trying to think of different things for my mom to give us. So when i woke up this morning my mom had an idea, we could invite our friend Mickie (the same one that we were going to spend the night at) to go to Grand Rapids with us. (Grand Rapids is a city in Michigan). So we asked Mickie's parents, and they said yes!!!! So now i was really excited!!!

And to make me even more excited....i won $100!!!! literally, its not a joke. what do you think i should do with it?

And we are going to grand rapids this week from Tuesday to Wednesday.


Ashley said...

I'm sorry you were bored, but thats so cool you won a $100 and get to take micki with you Grand Rapids!!!! Love ya Girlie!!

Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

Actually, it was 4 pm. But yea, I was not happy!!! I'm soo jealous about the $100! :) I'm super excited about Grand Rapids!!

is that you from co-op?!?!?! :) I love ya' girlie!! your aWeSoMe! Everybody likes Ashley!!!!!!! :D


Katie said...

Hey this is Micki on Katie's account :) Yep, i was pretty sad that Katie and Lizzy couldn't sleepover :'(

Katie said...

Yea, well at least you get to go w/ us to Grand Rapids!!