Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Hey i was wondering if you of you that read my blog have any memorization tips?


SocialButterfly said...

Unfortunately, I don't have any revolutionary tips but my mom said that the more you memorize Bible verses, the better you can memorize other things. Also if you make what you have to memorize into a type of song, that helps me sometimes.


hannah m said...

What do you have to memorize?


Katie said...

I am memorizing a spanish dialog.


Livie said...

Whenever I memorize lines for plays I just take it one sentance at a time. I start by saying the first sentance over and over again until I can say it without looking at my script. Then I repeat that with the second sentance and combine it with the first sentance. I just keep going until I've memorized my whole line. If I run into a rough spot, I look at the script and spend some extra time there.

Hope it helps!

Katie said...

thanks for all the suggestions everyone!


Joy Headphones said...

I agree with livie


Katie said...

i'm glad you agree joy!
haha. lol


Emma said...

When my mom has to memorize something, she writes it over and over and over on a piece of paper. I usually say it over and over again.
