Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Baby pig dissection

So for our last dissection at school we dissected a baby pig. It was surprisingly not all that much work! you just get really grossed out when you start out. I think all of us students were all at least a little freaked out to start. But after you got the pig open it was fine. We all had lab partners, they partnered us up so that someone who was freaked was with someone who was not really all that freaked out. So my lab partner, lets just say she was literally freaked out of her guts, and did nothing to help with the dissection. She even had to walk out of the room a few time because she felt so nauseous. I was only freaked out in the beginning, like before we cut it open. after i had it open i was fine. I did get really queasy when i came home, and started to eat dinner and such, and my family kept teasing me about pigs. But overall it was a really great experience, and since i'm hopefully gonna be a nurse, it was even better to do it.


Elizabeth said...

Yea...we were teasing you :P

"wanna go watch charlotte's web?"

Joy Headphones said...


Katie said...

it actually was not all that gross.
