Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Yea. so i'm REALLY short for my age. i'm all most 15. and i'm 5 feet. here's what facebook has to say about short people:

"I AM NOT SHORT everyone else is freakishly tall."

" i am not short. i'm just unusually NOT TALL"

i really like those two and they gave me a good laugh.



Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, I'm short too ;D

Katie said...

How old are you?


SocialButterfly said...

Ha ha! Those are really funny. I am not that tall... ok so ya I kinda am at 5' 8". lol Well I still enjoy being your friend cuz height makes no difference to me! : )


hannah m said...

Those are funny!!! I'm pretty short for my age too.


Mary said...

I'm short also! My friend says that I'm just fun-sized. : )

Hannah said...

Yeah, I think my mom measured me the other day and I just reached 5"2 and I'm 14 so I'm with you on that.


Emma said...

I'm very short too!!! People have mistaken me for an 8 year old!!!
