Saturday, February 28, 2009

I've been too....

30 percent of the united state, and 15 states

visited 15 states (30%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or try another Douwe Osinga project

how many have you been too?



hannah m said...

Where did you go to in MO?? I'm just wondering because I live in St. Louis, MO.


Katie said...

We didn't do anything in MO, we were just driving through to get to texas.


Unknown said...

I think I've been to like, 45? I've been through every one except Kansas, Colorodo, and every one above Rhode Island. There might be a couple I'm missing, but I've in every state on the left side of the left boarder Tennessee.


Katie said...

The Kid,
WOW! you've been to a lot!


Unknown said...

Yeah, but we've moved across the USA 5 times, SC to WA, WA to SC, SC to RI, RI to Wa, then WA to FL.

We move a lot because my dad's in the Navy.

the kid