Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Riddles Thursday!

Here are a 5 easy riddles. Leave me a comment with your answers, and i'll post a post later on in the week with the real answers. And try not to google any of the please. And Lizzy, don't answer ANY of these!

1. What travels around the world, but stays in one corner?

2. Why did the scientist put a knocker at his front door?

3. What falls without making any noise?

4. What's the last thing you take off before you go to bed?

5. What can you hold without touching?

I hope you enjoy solving these!



Natalie said...

I science teacher puts out a riddle every week. I know the answer to the first one because he has asked us that one!

A Stamp!

Number 3. A Balls Shadow?


Joy Headphones said...

katie, i looooooooove your template!

Elizabeth said...

I could go look at the book that is sitting over there..........



Joy Headphones said...

lizzy, you are so bad!


Unknown said...

1. What travels around the world, but stays in one corner?
I think a stamp.

2. Why did the scientist put a knocker at his front door?
Is that a riddle? I don't know.

3. What falls without making any noise?
The sun I would think.

4. What's the last thing you take off before you go to bed?
My comforter.

5. What can you hold without touching?

Thanks! That was fun!


Katie said...

Your Welcome!
